Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Greatest Stephen Colbert Interview Ever

I really can't help it. This is the best Stephen Colbert interview ever...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ringtones for your canine companions...and ONLY your canine companions

I have been pretty lax with posting recently, but I just had to post this article I found on CrunchGear. It is ridiculous. This is taken from the website.

"Tokyo-based interactive content provider Dwango announced today [JP, PDF] the start of a download service of a very special kind. Now Japanese cell phone owners are able to get ringtones that are only audible to dogs.

The service is dubbed Inu ni shika kikoenai chakushinon (ringtones only dogs can hear). Dwango says their idea is absolutely groundbreaking. Downloads are free for subscribers of the dwango.jp tori houdai (download flatrate) service, which is only available on DoCoMo’s proprietary mobile web system imode."

Wow, can you even imagine the possibilities with this cellphone? No really. Can you imagine it? I'm drawing a blank here and I love our canine compatriots. I can only imagine it being used as a device to control dogs everywhere. Seriously, folks, this is simply a technology that is the precursor to our destruction. Damn it, Japan. I'm not ready for the Apocalypse. Wall-E isn't even out in theatres yet!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day from Scans Daily

You would think that Pa Kent would know how strong his adopted alien son after 20-30 years of Smallville parenting. YOU WOULD THINK.

To be fair though, we would all be tempted to do the same thing if we HAD an invulnerable alien son. Every time a new console or apple product comes out, we are tempted to stress test the hell out of the thing. I would start by putting Clark Kent into a lead-lined refrigerator before casting him asunder in a nuclear testing facility.

Did that sound stupid? It's in Indiana Jones. The new one. Yup. Stupid, I know.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Story of the Two Legged Dog.

Wow, Frances showed us this video on Sunday which was just extraordinary. I usually don't care for Montel Williams, but this short was just incredible. Just watch this incredible story of the two-legged dog.

A Review of Sex and the City / Kung Fu Panda Weekend in the future!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wayne's World Reunion!

Wayne's World Reunion! I don't have MTV, but I was really excited to learn that Meyers and Carvey reunited to play these characters. Honestly, it's classic Wayne's World. It is as if they didn't miss a beat....

Hilarious. I am going to see Tropic Thunder.