Monday, May 12, 2008

Big Hamburgers

Wow, I must really hate doing work. Here you go. The pictures speak for themselves. First, let's look at a standard big hamburger.

Wow, that's pretty big. Typical US Happy Meal Size...

80 lbs? A Thailand restaurant? Wow. Show me what else you got...

123 lbs? Alright, I'm going to lie down...

134 lbs. Apparently, you can biggie-size for 50 more dollars.


Dave said...

When are we going to Eagle's Deli?

Unknown said...

i would like to see the grill that cooked those.

Stephie-baachan said...

I second Jon. How in the hell do you COOK that monster??

And I love the fact that it takes two big guys just to CARRY that thing.